Library Hours
Parents are welcome
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 9 am & 3:10 - 4:00 pm
Friday 9.30 - 10 am & 3:10 - 3:45 pm
Nursery & Pre School - may check out one (1) item for a period of 1 week. We appreciate early returns.
Pre Kindergarten - may check out two (2) items for a period of 1 week. We appreciate early returns.
Kindergarten & Grade 1 - may check out three (3) items for a period of 2 weeks. We appreciate early returns.
Parents - may borrow ten (10) items for a period of 2 weeks. We appreciate early returns.
Overdue Books
Students and parents will be reminded of their overdue books weekly (Wednesdays). Patrons with overdue items may only be allowed to check out limited books until all overdue books are returned.
Patrons with long overdue books may lose access to any loans until their obligations are taken care of. Books can be renewed by emailing the EC Library Staff or in person to avoid any issues.
Lost & Damaged Books
The library / ian should be notified immediately if a book is lost or damaged. A charge for the replacement cost of the book will be assessed. This charge will include a processing fee to catalog / cover / label the lost books. It is ISA policy that parents do not purchase replacement books for the libraries. If a lost book is found within a reasonable amount of time and before the item has been replaced, the money will be refunded.
Books on Hold
The library will put books on hold for students and parents if the book they require is currently checked out. Patrons will be notified when the held book is available to loan.